A collection of investments,
either taxable or tax-deferred. Account can be real (contains
investments actually owned) or model (hypothetical). Account type can be
brokerage, mutual fund, or other (a mutual fund can be an account if the
fund is purchased directly from fund company or it can be an investment
within an account, if purchased through a broker). Legally, accounts are
set up as taxable or tax deferred. The legal owner of an account can be
an individual, joint , corporate, custodian, estate, or trust. See Real
Taxable Accounts, Joint Accounts, and Real Tax-Deferred Accounts.
Account Description
Information that includes
Account Type, Tax-deferred, Tax Method, and Account Note. These items
are primarily used to classify accounts for tax purposes.
Account Note
Descriptive text about an
account that you can enter for your information, such as "for
Account Type
When placing an order through
this site, you must be sure to select the proper Account Type for the
position you wish to trade. If a particular position resides in your
cash account, for example, this site will automatically reject a sell
order that specifies your margin account, and vice versa.
Accrual Method
Accounting method where income
and expenses are recorded when items are booked or billed. Contrast with
a more common method, cash method, where income and expenses are logged
from the time cash is actually spent or received.
Accrued Interest
Interest earned but not yet
paid. For most taxpayers, tax is due in year accrued interest is paid.
When buying a bond, buyer pays seller any interest accrued since the
last payment date. When the buyer eventually sells the bond, the new
buyer pays any accrued interest. The accrued interest is subject to
taxes for the seller, but reduces the tax liability for the buyer. For
example, if a bond buyer paid $30 accrued interest to a seller, then
received $150 interest for the rest of the year, the buyer needs to pay
taxes on $150 - $30 = $120.
Stands for American Depository
Receipts or Shares. These financial instruments allow stock in a foreign
corporation to be traded on a U.S. stock exchange in U.S. currency by
representing the actual shares from the native exchange.
Advances are the number of
issues on the New York Stock Exchange that have risen in price since the
previous trading day's closing price. Declines represent those that have
fallen in price. Sometimes the advances and declines are expressed as a
ratio and plotted as a line graph. A rising A/D line indicates that the
market has good breadth (a majority of issues are rising in price) and
that a rising trend is more likely to be sustainable.
After Tax Real Rate of Return
The percentage gain on an
investment, account, or portfolio after taxes and inflation have been
deducted. Note that the after tax real rate of return for money market
mutual funds is frequently less than zero, so you should use these
accounts only as temporary cash accounts.
All or None Order
In brokerage, order
instruction, particularly for large orders, to execute the total
quantity or none.
Annual Report
Written report to shareholders
summarizing the past fiscal year's financial results and news items of
importance about products, law suits, board members, etc. Prospective
shareholders should also review the annual report because it provides
important balance sheet information.
Annualized Return
Projects the year to date
return over a full 12 month calendar year. Most useful for projecting
return for money market funds, CDs, and bonds. Annualized return for
equities can be misleading if YTD return is high and covers a short
period of time. See Total Return.
An insurance product that pays
an income benefit on a specific date, for a specific time, or for the
lifetime of the person(s) receiving the annuity (the annuitant). A fixed
annuity guarantees fixed payments with a constant rate of return. A
variable annuity's value fluctuates with that of the assets that are
backing it. There is no guaranteed rate of return for a variable
annuity; the annuitant bears the investment risk and receives the return
actually earned on invested assets less charges assessed by the
insurance company.
A financial transaction where
an arbitrageur (arb) simultaneously purchases in one market and sells in
another where there is a slight price differential. Often it is a full
hedge, and therefore, a risk-free transaction. Arbs play an important
role in keeping markets liquid and efficient.
The lowest price at which a
seller is willing to offer a security at this time.
Something of value that you
own. Appreciating assets, such as stocks, have the potential of
increasing in value and/or producing income. Depreciating assets, such
as a car, lose value over time. Assets minus liabilities (what you owe)
equals net worth.
Asset Allocation
The process of deciding what
kinds of assets you want to own, and the percentage of each. Tactical
asset allocation is a sophisticated form of market timing in which an
investor decides how much to allocate to each asset class based on
market indicators, particularly interest rates. As conditions change,
the percent allotted to each asset class changes.
Asset Classes
Appreciating assets are put
into 7 asset classes: maximum capital gain equity, long-term equity,
international equity, U.S. government bond, corporate bond, precious
metals, and cash.
Average Annual Return
The cumulative return divided
by the number of years of the life of the investment or account, with
the compounding effect factored in. In reverse, the average annual
return times a given number of years equals the cumulative return for
that time frame. AAR is used to compare returns of two or more
investments of unequal track records.
Average Daily Volume
The consolidated trading volume
for all exchanges averaged for the last 20 trading days.
Average Cost
The average price plus
Average Price
The total cost less total
commission of all lots you own of a particular security divided by the
total number of shares owned.
Average Proceed
The sum of net amounts received
from all short open lots divided by the total number of shares short for
that security. Average proceeds is for short investments what average
cost is for long investments.
Baby Bond
One sold at face amount less
than $1,000 to make it attractive to smaller investors. See Bond.
Balance Sheet
A listing of all assets and
liabilities for an individual or a business. The surplus of assets over
liabilities is the net worth, or what is owned free of debt.
Balance Sheet Return
A view in the stock database
that displays Sales/Price Ratio, Price/Book Ratio, Book/Share, Return on
Equity, Profit Margin, and Reporting Date. These items are all measures
of company value and profitability.
Balance Sheet - Cash & Debt
A view in the stock database
that displays: Fiscal Year End, QuickRatio, Debt/Equity Ratio, Current
Ratio, and Cash/Share. These items measure the financial health of a
company, particularly its assets and liabilities. Click each item in the
Glossary list for definitions of each of these items.
Balanced Equities
A mutual fund whose holdings
are split fairly evenly between stocks and bonds. Balanced funds can
change their asset allocation according to market conditions. Balanced
funds seek a relatively steady return.
Bank Information
Descriptive information about a
given bank. A view in the CDs and Money Markets database that displays:
Minimum Deposit, City, State, Phone, Out-of-state Indicator.
An accounting term that refers
to the cost of an asset including all adjustments and improvements. For
tax purposes, it is the amount you subtract from the net sale price to
determine the realized gain or loss. For example, if you paid $150,000
for your home, but added a porch for $25,000, your basis is now
$175,000. You have stepped-up the basis.
Basis Point
The smallest measure used in
quoting yields and interest rates. One basis point equals .01%, so a 100
basis point move in a U.S. Treasury bond yield is 1%.
Bearer Certificate
A security whose owner is not
registered on the books of the issuer and which is, therefore, payable
to the person possessing the certificate. A bearer bond has coupons
attached, which the bondholder sends in or presents on the interest date
for payment. Bearer stock certificates are negotiable without
A measure of risk commonly used
to compare the volatility of mutual funds or stocks to the overall
market . The S&P 500 Index is the base for calculating beta and
carries a value of 1. Securities with betas below 1 are less risky than
the market as a whole. Betas above 1 are more risky. A beta of 1.3 is
30% more volatile than the S&P 500. Betas with negative values are
inversely related to the S&P 500.
Note: The beta of precious
metals can be low but these funds have high price volatility. You cannot
compare the beta of bond funds against the beta of equity funds, because
the bond fund beta is calculated using the Shearson Long Bond Index
rather than the S&P 500 Index.
The highest price a buyer is
willing to pay for a security at this time.
Block Trade
Usually, a trade of 10,000
shares or more. For bonds, a $200,000 face amount or more. Block trades
are often executed through a special section of a brokerage firm called
the Block Desk. Using the Block Desk may result in a better
A debt security that represents
the obligation of the issuer to pay interest to the creditor or bond
holder and return the principal at maturity. Bonds backed by collateral
are termed secured while those that are not secured are called
debentures. A sinking fund bond obligates the issuer to set aside some
of its earnings to retire bonds periodically. A bond is usually
identified by its maturity date and its coupon rate, which is the
interest rate stated on the bond. The price of the bond is equal to its
face value when issued, which is called the par price. After that, the
price fluctuates in the market. Bonds selling above original price are
selling at a premium to par while those selling below original price are
selling at a discount to par. Prices vary inversely with interest rates,
as the prices of old bonds must adjust so that their current yield will
stay competitive with those of newly issued bonds. A bond does not
represent ownership. See Baby Bond, Callable, Junk Bond, Municipal Bond,
US Gov't Issues, Zero Coupon Bond, Convertible Bond, Corporate
Bond Prices
View in the bond database that
displays: Maturity, Outstanding Bond Amount, Latest Price, Current Year
High and Low Prices. For latest price, see Price (Trade) Bonds.
Bond Type
The bond pays fixed interest
amounts over its term. The bond price, however, can change as prevailing
market interest rates change over time. Zero coupon bonds, or zeroes, do
not pay interest. They are sold at deep discount to their par value,
which is returned at maturity. Interest is internally compounded to
produce the stated yield to maturity. With floating rate, the interest
rate paid on the bond can change as prevailing market interest rates
The current fiscal year book
value (or net equity for the corporation) per share of common
In the broadest sense, an agent
who facilitates trades between a buyer and a seller and receives a
commission for his services. Dealers buy and sell for their own account
and keep their own inventory of securities on which they can profit or
incur losses. Most stock brokerage firms really act as brokers and
dealers. Brokers are also classed as Full Service or Discount, the
former using a commission-based sales force and the latter using
salaried brokers only.
Broker Call Rate
Interest rate at which
brokerage firms borrow from banks to finance their clients' security
Describes the primary product
or service offered by a given corporation.
A transaction type for the
purchase of a security. A buy creates an open lot which is part of a
holding of a given security that you currently own. Buy(s) is also a
filter for displaying only buy transactions.
A transaction type that is a
closing transaction for a short sell and which creates a closed lot.
Buys-to-Cover is also a filter for displaying only buy-to-cover
Buying Power
Value of margin eligible
securities that may be purchased in a margin account. Determined by
doubling the sum of the cash held in the brokerage account and the loan
value of margined securities.
Call Option
A call option gives the owner
the right, but not the obligation, to buy the underlying stock at a
given price (the strike price) by a given time (the expiration date).
The owner of the call is speculating that the underlying stock will go
up in value, hence, increasing the value of the option. The purpose can
be to speculate with the option (hope it goes up and sell for a profit),
to invest in the underlying stock at a locked in price if the stock
price goes high enough, or to generate income. Each option contract
equals 100 shares of stock. For example, an AAA MAR 65 call, would give
the owner the right to buy 100 shares of AAA at $65 (strike price) per
share between now and the third Friday in March (expiration
A security redeemable by the
issuer before the scheduled maturity. The issuer must pay the holder a
premium price if the security is retired early. Most Corporate and
Municipal Bonds are callable. US Government issues are generally not
callable. They are called when interest rates fall so significantly that
the bond issuer can save money by floating new bonds at the lower rate.
The first call date is the date to or after which a specific call price
will be offered by the issuer, usually a premium price to par, as an
incentive to the bondholder to redeem the bond.
Canceled Order
A buy or sell order that is
canceled before it has been executed. In most cases, a Limit Order can
be can be canceled at any time as long as it has not been executed. A
Market Order may only be canceled if the order is placed after market
hours and is then canceled before the market opens the following
Capital Gains
The buying and selling of a
security or other appreciating asset that has increased in value during
the time you owned it. It is subject to capital gains tax, as listed on
IRS Form 1040, Schedule D.
Capital Stock
Amount of money or property
contributed by stockholders to be used as the financial foundation for
the corporation. It includes all classes of common and preferred
Cash Account
Orders placed in a cash account
are settled on a cash basis, meaning that cleared funds must be in the
account within three (3) business days to cover purchases.
Cash Available
The amount that may either be
withdrawn in cash, or used to purchase additional securities without
creating a debit balance. It is a combination of credit balances in all
accounts and excess credit balances in margin accounts.
Cash Balance
Whenever a transaction occurs
that affects cash, the cash balance is debited or credited. The cash
balance is usually invested in a money market mutual fund that pays
interest. Money market funds can be taxable or tax-exempt. In brokerage
accounts, the balance in cash is swept into the money market
Cash Flow
Net income plus depreciation
and other non-cash charges. A strong cash flow is important for covering
interest payments, particularly for highly leveraged companies.
The amount of cash divided by
total number of common stock shares outstanding for a given stock. A
corporation with a high cash/share amount relative to the current price
per share is said to be "cash rich" and may be considered low risk or
Cash Market
A market in which security or
commodity transactions occur within a few days of the trade date. Also
called the spot market. The opposite is the futures market, where
transactions are completed at a specified future date, price, and
quantity, which is determined in the present. Stock, bond, and mutual
funds trade in the cash market.
Cash Percent
The percentage of a given
mutual fund's total assets invested in cash and equivalents. A high cash
percent is usually good in a declining market but can result in under
performance in a rising market.
CD Rate
The current interest rate for a
given CD (certificate of deposit).
Certificate of Deposit
Investment created by banks,
which pays stated interest at either fixed or variable rates. If sold
directly by banks, principal is returned at maturity subject only to
penalties for early cashing in. If sold through brokers (called Broker
CDs), principal value can vary like with bonds, and early cashing in can
fetch a principal lower than amount paid.
Change (in NAV)
The change in the net asset
value since the close of the previous trading day. Negative values means
the mutual fund has dropped in price; positive values means the mutual
fund has appreciated in price.
Note: A way to calculate
previous day's closing price, is to subtract the Change from the Current
Price - add negative values.
Class A/Class B Shares
Shares of stock issued by the
same company but having some difference, such as voting rights, or a
dividend preference or participation.
A computerized facility that
compares and reconciles both sides of a brokerage trade.
Closed to New Accounts
The mutual fund is currently
closed to new investors. To be sure, call the mutual fund for the latest
Closing Commission
The commission deducted from
the proceeds before calculating realized gain or loss. It is the fee
charged by your broker to execute your trade. It may be a composite of
several fees & charges.
Closing Price
The market price you receive
when you sell or buy-to-cover your security.
Commercial Paper
Unsecured short-term debt,
usually from 2 to 270 days, issued by banks and corporations, which is
generally safe and flexible. It is usually a major component of money
market fund investment portfolios.
Fee charged by broker to
execute your trade. May be a composite of several fees & charges.
Commission is taken into account when calculating realized gain or loss.
The buy, or opening commission, is added to the cost basis and the sell,
or closing commission, is deducted from the proceeds before calculating
realized gain or loss, therefore commissions reduce taxable gains and
increase losses. Total commission is the sum of both buy and sell
commission. Commission rates take into account the quantity of the
purchase, the unit price of the security (low priced stocks may have
higher commission rates), and the type of investment (options have
higher commissions).
Common Shares
Represents the total number of
common shares outstanding, excluding treasury stock (stock issued but
re-acquired by the company through buy-backs). This number is expressed
in thousands, so add three zeros.
Common Stock
Security representing partial
ownership interest in a corporation. Ownership may also be shares with
Preferred Stock, which has prior claim on any dividends to be paid and,
in the event of liquidation, to the distribution of the corporation's
assets. Common stockholders assume the primary risk if business is poor,
and realize greater gains in the event of success. They also elect the
board of directors that controls the company.
A written notification from a
broker to a client specifying the details of a securities'
Conversion Price
The price at which convertible
securities, such as bonds and preferred stock, can be converted into
common stock at a set conversion ratio. For example, if the conversion
ratio is 25 to 1, and you own a $1000 face value convertible bond, then
the conversion price is $40 per share. The conversion value is the value
of 25 shares at the current price per share. If you assume $32 per
share, then the current value is 25 x $32 = $800. In this example, it is
clearly better not to convert.
Convertible Bond
A debt security that is
exchangeable for a set number of shares of another type of security,
usually common stock, at a predetermined price. See Bond.
Corporate Bond
A debt security
investment in obligations of U.S. corporations. Corporate bonds are
taxable and have a specific maturity date. They are often traded on
major exchanges. See Bond.
Covered Calls
A covered call seller or writer
is an investor who owns a stock and sells a call option against it to
generate additional income, which comes from the premium received for
selling the option. If things work out right for the writer, the stock
price will stay below the strike price and the writer will retain both
the premium and the stock. However, if the stock price rises enough, the
stock will be called away by the call buyer who has exercised the option
and now gets the stock and pays the writer the strike price . Whether
the writer makes a profit or loss on the stock that is called away
depends on the purchase price (the cost basis). See Call Option.
Credit Balance
For cash accounts, it is the
uninvested money in your account. In a margin account, it is the money
on deposit against a short position.
Cumulative Return (12-Month, 10-Year)
Measures the price change over
the period of time indicated, ending at the current date (or the date
the price was last updated). This measure includes any dividends paid
and reinvested during the period measured. Cumulative return can also be
referred to as total return. It is the most useful measure of
performance among different asset classes, such as stocks, bonds, cash,
and so forth.
Current P/E Ratio
The ratio of current price
divided by last two quarters earnings per share (EPS) plus next two
estimated quarters EPS. See Price/Earnings Ratio.
Current Year High & Low Prices
The highest and lowest price
for a given bond during the current calendar year.
Cumulative Return Through (Year)
Includes the price change over
the period of years indicated, ending at the year shown, plus any
dividend paid and reinvested over the period shown. The bar graph
represents the total value of your portfolio.
Cumulative Return (1-Yr, 3-Yr, 5-Yr, 10-Yr)
The price change over the time
period shown, plus any dividend, interest, or capital gains paid and
reinvested over the period shown for any given security. Note that for
stocks, the periods are complete calendar years, but for mutual funds,
periods are rolling up to the current month.
CUSIP Number
An industry code which uniquely
identifies nearly all traded stocks and bonds.
Current Ratio
A company's current assets
divided by its current liabilities.
Current Yield
For stock, the annual dividend
divided by the current price per share. For bond, the annual interest
payment divided by [current price divided by 100 times quantity]. A
measure in percentage terms of how much income you can derive from the
security. Of great importance to fixed income investors and of minimal
importance to growth investors. See Yield to Maturity.
The date at which the offering
price and NAV prices apply. Date is usually one day before the Last
Update, more if Last Update falls after a weekend or holiday. However,
if there have been no trades since the previous day, Date will display
the Date of the last trade.
Note: Mutual fund net asset
values are calculated at the end of each trading day. Usually the
results are obtainable around one or two hours after the market closes,
4:00 PM ET, depending on the size of the mutual fund. If a fund's total
assets and holdings are large, it might take longer for the fund to
calculate it's net asset value. This is why current mutual fund quotes
are only available for previous trading day's close.
Date of Record
Date on which a shareholder
must own shares to be entitled to a dividend payment. From the following
day, until the day the dividend is actually paid, the stock trades
A bond issued by a corporation
which is secured by the general credit or promise to pay of the issuer.
It is not backed by collateral such as tangible assets.
Debit Balance
Money owed by the client to the
Debt/Equity Ratio
Long-term debt plus current
liabilities divided by the last fiscal year net equity per share of
common stock for a given corporation. A ratio above 2:1 or 200% may be
excessive and a sign of strained corporate finances.
Debt Securities
Securities representing money
borrowed by an issuer that must be paid back at a specific date. The
security pays interest or is purchased at a discount to face
Debt Service
Cash required by a corporation
or municipality to cover all interest and principal payments due in a
given year, including sinking fund payments.
Discount Rate
The lending rate that the
Federal Reserve Bank charges on loans made to other banks and financial
institutions. Changes in this rate tend to have large ripple effects on
the rates banks in turn charge their customers. The bond market and
sometimes the stock market react sharply to changes in this rate. You
can create market timing alerts with it.
Capital gains (long or short
term), interest, or dividends paid to bond holders and shareholders.
These can be received as cash or stock and they are treated as closed
lots for tax purposes. Return of capital is also a type of distribution,
but it is usually tax exempt. Distributions from mutual fund shares are
easily reinvested into more shares and the compounding of reinvested
shares can add substantially to the cumulative return of a fund.
The periodic, usually
quarterly, payment made by a corporation to its shareholders, generally
expressed as dividend per share. Dividends represent earnings that are
not reinvested by the corporation. Some stocks pay no dividends and
others, such as utility companies pay substantial ones that represent a
large portion of the total return a shareholder will get from his
investment. Dividends are a type of distribution and are usually taxable
in year received.
Dividend Frequency
Shows how often a given mutual
fund pays a dividend distribution.
Dividend Growth Rate (3 Yr and Current Year)
The unweighted average annual
growth rate of annual fiscal year dividends for the last three fiscal
years for a given security.
Indicates the annual dividend
payment for the next 12 months for a given security. Most companies pay
dividends quarterly.
Dividend Year Started
The year in which a given
corporation started paying dividends to stockholders.
Dow Jones Indices
Indices tracked by the Dow
Jones company, a highly reputable information services company;
publisher of The Wall Street Journal, Barron's National Business and
Financial Weekly, and other influential publications.
Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA)
The most commonly followed
index of the U.S. stock market. It is comprised of 30 corporations
spanning many different industries. It is price weighted, meaning that a
$2 change in a $100 per share stock will have a greater affect than a $2
change in a $20 per share stock.
The Dow Jones Industrial Average
measures (also defined in the glossary) can be used to gauge the health
and direction of the stock market; see DJIA 200-Day Moving Average, DJIA
Price/Earnings, DJIA Yield, DJIA Price/Book.
DJIA 200-Day Moving Average
This value is calculated by
averaging all the closing values of the DJIA for the last 200 days. You
can use this and the following measures to create market timing
DJIA P/E (Price/Earnings)
The latest DJIA value divided
by the estimated current year earnings per share (EPS), with the index
multiplier taken into account. Readings above 24 and below 8 are
considered sell and buy signals respectively by many analysts.
DJIA Yield
The sum of all dividends of all
stocks in the DJIA divided by the latest value of the DJIA, adjusted by
the multiplier. Readings below 3 and above 6 are considered sell and buy
signals respectively.
DJIA Price/Book
The latest value of the DJIA
divided by the book value for all DJIA stocks, adjusted by the
multiplier. Readings above 2.5 may be a sell signal.
Dow Jones Transportation Average (DJTA)
A index of 20 corporations in
the transportation sector, including air, rail, and truck.
Dow Jones Utilities Average (DJUA)
An index of 15 major utility
Duration of an order
In brokerage, when trading
stocks or options, it designates whether a limit trade is valid for Good
Until Canceled or Day Only. Market orders all have a duration of Day
Only by definition, since they are executed as soon as possible at the
market price. It is possible that a market order could arrive after the
market close, in which case, it may remain valid at the next market
DVP/RVP Account
If you have not taken special
steps to establish a DVP/RVP account with us, you must not select this
account type. DVP/RVP accounts relate mainly to institutional trading
Earnings Per Share
The fiscal year earnings
divided by common shares outstanding for any given year for a given
corporation. The estimated current fiscal year earnings per share
includes the actual EPS for quarters that have already been reported
plus estimates calculated by the S&P Corporation for any quarters
remaining in the fiscal year. Earnings are the principal force behind
stock price appreciation. This view displays: Earnings Per Share, Mean
Estimate, and Projected 5-Year Growth Rate.
Effective Tax Rate
The flat percentage rate
equivalent of a given tax payer's progressive rate. For example, if your
taxable income is $55,000 in 1993, the first $22,100 would be taxed at
15%. the next $31,400 at 28%, and the last $1,500 at 31%. The effective
rate is approximately 24% applied to the entire $55,000.
The generic term for ownership
interest in an asset. In real estate, it is often used to describe the
net of the current value and the mortgage balance. It is also used to
describe stock and mutual funds, that is, investments that issue
ownership shares.
Equity Security
Instrument representing
fractional ownership in a corporation. Stocks are equity
The principal exchange in which
the stock is traded: NYSE = New York Stock Exchange; AMEX = American
Stock Exchange; and OTC = Over the Counter. The OTC, unlike the other
two, does not have a physical location. It is a network of security
dealers, most of whom are connected by a computer link called NASDAQ
(National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation System).
OTC stocks are found under the NASDAQ listings of your newspaper.
Exchange Call
NYSE requires a margin account
to maintain 25% equity. Equity consists of funds and margin eligible
securities in a margin account. When the market value of margined
securities is less than the minimum equity, a margin call goes out to
the client requesting additional equity, i.e. securities or cash.
Exchange calls are due immediately.
When a stock trades ex-dividend
(without dividend), it means that a new buyer of the security will pay
the price with the dividend deducted. Also, the new buyer will not have
a tax liability for that dividend as does the buyer who bought on or
before the record date (the official date declared by the board of
directors to determine who is eligible for the dividend). The actual
payment date of the dividend may be a couple of weeks after the record
date. If a stock pays a large dividend, you should try to make a
purchase after the record date, so to avoid the tax liability on the
Executed Order
Completed buy or sell
Exit Fee
A service charge that equals a
percent of a share's NAV, which you pay when you sell your mutual fund
shares. Sometimes the exit fee is a flat dollar charge.
Extended Hours Trading
An extended trading session (on
a matched order basis) for NYSE and AMEX. Lasting from 4:15 p.m. to 5:00
p.m. EST, it uses the closing price of a security at the conclusion of
the regular trading day to determine the transaction price of the
matched orders. Only securities listed on NYSE and AMEX are eligible for
the extended session.
Face Value
The stated value of a bond
certificate when issued and when they are redeemed at maturity. Same as
par value or principal. The face value never changes but the current
value does. Current value for a bond is (face value x price) divided by
100. Bonds are purchased as units of face value. For example, you buy a
$10,000 bond where the current value can be more or less than $10,000,
depending on market conditions.
Federal Call
When a client makes certain
types of transactions in their margin account, the brokerage firm will
issue a call notifying the client if additional equity is required by
the settlement date in order to satisfy Federal Regulation T.
Fees & Charges
These items relate to the costs
of owning mutual fund shares. This view displays: if it is a Closed
fund, Sales Charges, Exit Fee, Expense Ratio, 5-Year Fee, Phone Switch
First Call Provisions
Some bonds can be called prior
to the maturity date at the issuer's discretion. These bonds are
callable. The first call provision describes the time period and the
price offered for the first call by the issuer.
Fiscal Policy
A method where governments use
taxes and budgeting to raise revenue for public purposes. Another method
is monetary policy, which seeks to influence the money supply by raising
or lowering interest rates and thereby changing credit demand.
Fiscal Year
Any continuous 12 months which
is used by a business or government as its annual accounting period. The
U.S. government fiscal year ends on September 30. A fiscal year is
designated by the year it ends. For example, an April - March fiscal
year 1993 ended on March 31, 1993 and began on April 1, 1992.
Fiscal Year End
Shows the last month of a
corporation's fiscal year.
Five-Year Fee
The total cost you might have
to pay over 5 years for every $1,000 investment in a given mutual fund.
Five-year fee is the best over-all measure for comparing fund costs if
you intend to hold onto the fund for at least 5 years.
Flexible Equities
A mutual fund whose holdings
can vary between a preponderance of stocks or bonds, depending on market
conditions. Flexible funds seek to take advantage of changing market
Floating Rate
Rather than a fixed interest or
coupon rate, some bonds and CDs have a floating interest rate which is
adjusted periodically to market conditions. It is also called Variable
Front-end Load
The percentage of the purchase
price that is charged and deducted from the investment. Same as Sales
Charge. For example, if you invest $1000 in a 4% front-end load mutual
fund, you only purchase $960 worth of shares.
Investment contracts which
specify the quantity and price of a commodity to be purchased or sold at
a later date. On contract date, the buyer must take physical possession
or make delivery of the commodity, which can only be avoided by closing
out the contract(s) before that date. Futures can be used for
speculation or hedging.
General Obligation Bond
A municipal bond which is
backed by the full faith and credit of a municipality. It includes the
authority to raise taxes and/or borrow to pay back interest and
principal. See Bond.
Ginnie Mae
Nickname for Government
National Mortgage Association (GNMA), a wholly-owned corporation of the
U.S. Government that functions as part of the Department of Housing and
Urban Development (HUD). Also means a security that represents a pool of
mortgages exceeding $1 million that is packaged from individual home
mortgages and resold to investors who receive both principal and
interest, just like a bank that holds a home mortgage. These securities
are liquid and U.S. Government insured.
Glamour Stock
A stock with a wide public and
institutional following. You may want to avoid investing in these stocks
because they are over-hyped and extremely vulnerable to a downward
Global Bonds
Mutual fund investing primarily
in debt obligations (i.e. bonds) of foreign governments and/or
corporations. Global bond funds can also be subject to foreign currency
exchange risks.
Global Equities
Stocks purchased from companies
all over the world, including the Unites States. Global equities can
also expose you to foreign currency risk.
A precious metal usually sought
after during times of rapidly rising inflation. For mutual fund
investors, gold can also refer to the stock of gold mining companies, as
well as bullion.
Government Bonds
Mutual fund investing primarily
in debt obligations (i.e. bonds) of the U.S. government. Government bond
funds can be short-term, intermediate-term or long-term, reflecting the
average maturity of the bonds held in the portfolio.
Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
A measure of the economy which
includes the value of all products and services produced by a nation in
a given year. The growth rate of GDP is used to compare the economic
progress of various nations.
Growth & Income
A security purchased for
long-term price appreciation (similar to long-term growth) and also for
potential dividend (or interest) income.
Growth Rate
The percentage rate of change
in some financial characteristic of a company. See Historical 5-year
Growth Rate, Projected 5-year Growth Rate, Dividend Growth Rate, Sales
3-year Growth Rate, and Net Income 3-year Growth Rate.
An investment strategy of
lowering risk by buying securities that have offsetting risk
characteristics. A perfect hedge eliminates risk entirely. Hedging
strategies lower return since there is a cost involved in hedging. For
example, a portfolio manager could short a futures contract which will
perfectly offset any decrease in the value of the portfolio. Options and
short selling stock can also be used for hedging. Hedge funds are
investment pools that are free to use any hedging techniques they desire
and they often make large bets in a relatively small number of different
Hidden Asset
An asset that is omitted or
understated in the balance sheet of a company. Discovering hidden assets
before the market does can lead to appreciable price gains for savvy
A highly speculative stock with
a rising price and high volatility which makes it vulnerable to dramatic
High Flyer
A highly speculative stock with
a rising price and high volatility which makes it vulnerable to dramatic
All the shares (mutual funds
& stocks), contracts (options), or face amount (bonds) you own of an
House Call
A brokerage firm's notice to
the client that the equity in a margin account is below the firm's
maintenance level and needs additional funds immediately.
Hybrid Investment
An investment which has the
major characteristics of two or more other investments. For example, a
convertible preferred stock generally pays a steady dividend and has
steady principal like a high quality corporate bond, but it can be
converted into common stock. Hybrids can be complicated to understand
and are best left to sophisticated investors.
Imputed Interest
Interest which is not actually
paid to bond holders but which the IRS may tax anyway. Common with zero
coupon bond interest. See Interest and Bond.
Dividends or interest received
by owners of equity or bonds respectively. Dividends represent a portion
of earnings paid to shareholders while interest is compensation to
bondholders in the form of cash or more bonds for the lending of
capital. Reinvested income can significantly add to returns. See
Projected Income.
Income Account
An account that receives
interest from bonds and credit balances, or dividends from stock
Constructing a portfolio to
match the performance of a specific index, such as the S&P 500.
Individuals can do this by purchasing shares in an index mutual
Click Dow Jones Indices and
S&P Indices in the Glossary list for these definitions.
See Stock Information for these
The name of the institution
issuing a CD or money market.
Institutions Holding
The percentage of outstanding
shares held by institutions for investment purposes. Includes charitable
trusts, pension funds, mutual funds, brokerage firms, and banks.
Compensation to bondholders in
the form of cash or more bonds for the lending of capital. Accumulated
or accrued interest is the interest due to the seller of a bond from the
day after the last interest payment to the day before the settlement
date. It is paid by the buyer of the bond. Imputed interest is not paid
to the bondholder but it is calculated as if it was so that taxes can be
paid on it anyway. Reinvested interest can significantly add to
Interest Dates
Displays the frequency and
dates that interest on a given bond is paid. By carefully selecting
interest dates, you can receive income monthly from a group of bonds,
with staggered interest dates.
An appreciating or income
producing asset. An open investment is one you currently own. A closed
investment is one you once owned. A long investment is an open
investment that you bought. A short investment is an open investment
that you sold short - i.e., you borrowed the investment from someone
else, sold it, pocketed the proceeds, you hope it decreases in value,
and you are obliged to buy it back in the future and return it to the
original owner. An investment can be short and long at the same time if
it contains both long and short lots. All investments are classified by
type as a way of organizing your investments. See Holding.
Individual Retirement Account (IRA)
An Individual Retirement
Account is a personal, tax-deferred, retirement account in which an
employed person can contribute a maximum amount per year. There are
specific rules concerning level of participation and eligibility for an
a IRA and whether an employee's contributions are tax-deductible.
Consult a financial consultant or tax advisor.
Inflation - CPI
The rise in price of goods and
services, or Consumer Price Index (CPI), when too much money chases too
few goods on the market. Moderate inflation is a result of economic
growth. Hyperinflation (CPI rising at rates of 100% or more annually)
causes people to lose confidence in their economy and put their money in
hard assets such as gold and real estate.
Inflation Rate
The annual percentage change in
the price of goods and services. At the consumer level, it is the
Consumer Price Index (CPI) and at the wholesale level it is the Producer
Price Index (PPI).
Intermediate Government Bonds
A U.S. government debt
instrument having a maturity of between 3 to 10 years.
International Equities
Stocks purchased from companies
based in countries other than the Unites States. International equities
can also expose you to foreign currency risk.
The official name of the
company issuing a given bond.
Joint Account
A bank or brokerage account
that two or more people own jointly. Some joint accounts are set up so
that all owners of the account must sign checks and approve all
withdrawals or brokerage transactions. In others, any one party can take
these actions on his or her own. Joint accounts usually include rights
of survivorship (upon the death of one party , the other gets complete
ownership) or with tenants in common (the ownership of the deceased
party's half goes to his estate, not the other party).
Joint and Survivor Annuity
An annuity that pays two or
more beneficiaries. When one of them dies, the payments continue to the
survivors but the deceased's share is no longer paid.
Jumbo CD
A certificate of deposit with a
high minimum deposit required, often $90,000 or more. They carry a
slightly higher interest rate; however, if the value of the CD plus
interest held in the account exceeds $100,000, this excess is not
insured by the FDIC. To be safe, you can hold several jumbo CDs at
different banks.
Junior Security
A security with a lower claim
on assets in the event of a company's liquidation. Normally, common
stock is most junior to all other corporate issues. Then, from junior to
senior, the order is preferred stock, debentures, and mortgage bonds.
This last item is a direct claim on real property and is the most
Junk Bond
A junk bond (or high-yield
bond) is one with a S&P credit rating of BB or lower and that
carries higher risk of interest or principal default than better rated
investment grade bonds. Junk bonds are issued in leveraged buyouts and
other takeovers by companies without long track records of sales and
earnings, or by those with questionable credit strength.
Keogh Plan
Tax-deferred pension account
designated for employees of unincorporated businesses or for persons who
are self-employed, either full -time or part-time.
A provision for equity
participation which is often added to a new debt issue to make it more
attractive in the market. Rights, warrants, and convertibility are
common examples. Also called sweeteners.
A company is leveraged when it
has a high ratio of debt to equity. If the company can use the extra
debt to expand and generate more than enough additional revenue to cover
the higher interest costs, then the leverage is beneficial to the
current shareholders, that is, each share has been leveraged.
Total liabilities is the sum of
your Short Market Value plus your Debit Balances from the prior trading
day. Short Market Value is the market value of short positions held in
your short account as of the prior day's market close. Increases in this
figure mean that positions you have sold short are moving against you,
or up. Each Monday, your short account will be marked to the market. The
Short Market Value of the account is used to recalculate the proper
level of collateralization to secure the short positions in the account.
The Debit Balance reflects the closing debit balance as of the close on
the prior trading day.
Limit Order
Order that sets a specific
price (Limit Price) that is the highest a buyer will pay or the lowest a
seller wants to receive. Buyer will accept price lower than limit and
seller higher than limit. It may be a Day or GTC (Good Until Canceled)
order. If no price is indicated, the order is a market order by
Limited Partnership
A business or investment where
limited partners provide capital, share in profits, have limited legal
liability, and leave the management of the business to general partners.
Can be tradable and listed on an exchange, packaged and sold by brokers
and not exchange tradable, or tradable to other partners only. REITS
(real estate investment trusts) are popular LPs. Most LPs provide both
income and appreciation. Some are highly liquid and others not.
The ability to turn an asset
into cash. A highly liquid asset is easy to sell because an active
market exists that sets prices which are continuously adjusted for
supply and demand. An example is a listed stock or mutual fund. A less
liquid asset is real estate or a collectible.
Loan Value
Maximum percentage of current
market value of margin eligible securities that a brokerage firm can
lend a margin account client.
Long Investments
Includes: Cash Balance, Current
Value, Total Cost, and Unrealized Gain/Loss. Long investments are
investments that you have bought with the goal of price appreciation
and/or income generation. Short investments, on the other hand, are
first sold and then bought back.
Long Position
Securities owned by the client
and held in the client's account at the brokerage firm.
Long-Term Growth
Securities whose price
appreciation is anticipated over the long term; i.e., a year or more.
Long-term growth securities tend to be more stable and appreciate at a
slower, albeit steadier rate than do maximum capital gains
A group of identical UNITS (for
securities) or nearly identical units (for collectibles) of an
investment that are traded at the same time and price. Open lots are the
contents of open investments and can be long (buys) or short (short
sell). Closed lots are the contents of closed investments and can be
long (sell) or short (buy to cover).
Maintenance Requirement
The level of equity that must
be maintained in a client's margin account. When the market value of a
margined security is less than maintenance levels, a margin call is
issued for the investor to increase equity.
Margin Account
An investment account which
allows you to purchase securities with funds borrowed from the broker at
a specified interest rate.
Margin Balance
A debit in your account secured
with stocks and/or bonds which regulators have authorized for use as
Margin Call
A firm's demand of a client for
additional equity in order to meet maintenance requirements. If a client
fails to deliver more equity in the account, positions in the account
may be liquidated. There are three types of margin calls: House,
Exchange, and Federal. See House Call, Exchange Call, Federal
Margin Debt
A debit in your account that is
owed to the broker. The debit is secured with stocks and bonds which
regulators have authorized for use as collateral. It excludes funds due
which are debits resulting from purchases in a cash account.
Margin Loan Availability
The amount of money you may
withdraw from your account using margin eligible securities in your
margin account as collateral.
Marginal Tax Rate
The combined federal, state,
and local tax rate applied to the next additional dollar of income. For
example, if your federal tax bracket is 28%, and your state tax rate is
5%, when you earn another dollar of income, it would be taxed at a 33%
tax rate.
Mark to Market
Determination of securities'
value within a margin account to ensure that the account is in
compliance with maintenance requirements.
Market Order
An order to buy or sell a
security at the next available price.
Market Timing
Attempting to buy and sell
securities to ride up trends and avoid down trends in the stock, bond,
currency, or commodity markets. In theory, this can dramatically
increase your rate of return, but practically, it is extremely difficult
or impossible to consistently make the right decisions at the right time
over the long term.
Market Value
The date a given bond will
mature and pay off its principal in full. A bond issued for $1,000 will
pay off the $1,000 at maturity. A single company can issue more than one
series of bonds. These bond series can be differentiated by their
Maximum Capital Gains
The attempt to maximize the
positive difference between the buying and selling price of a security.
Maximum capital gains securities are typically more risky, or volatile,
than the average (S&P 500) security. They rise more during bull
markets but also fall more during bear markets and are typically stocks
of fast-growing small companies.
Mean Estimate
The average of analysts'
earnings per share estimates for the current fiscal year for a given
Minimum Deposit
The minimum deposit accepted by
the Institution for the particular CD. Jumbo and MiniJumbo CDs indicate
minimum deposits of $100,000 for Jumbos and $25,000 and $50,000 for
Minimum Investment
Minimum Initial indicates the
minimum deposit required to open a regular or IRA/SEP/Keogh tax-deferred
account with the mutual fund. Minimum subsequent indicates the minimum
required to make deposits in an already opened regular or tax-deferred
account with the mutual fund.
Mixed Lot
The combination of round lot
(100 shares) or multiple round lots and an odd lot (99 shares or less),
e.g. 163 shares.
Money Market Fund
A mutual fund that invests in
cash and equivalents. Generally, has a stable $1 per share net asset
value (NAV) and a variable rate of return. Not federally insured but
short term nature of investments plus private insurance make them quite
safe. Dividends are paid periodically and are automatically reinvested
in more shares. Available from banks, mutual fund companies, and
brokerage firms, these funds are used as a convenient place to park cash
and earn "interest" (really dividends, as mentioned above). Most
brokerage and mutual accounts have an associated money market fund
account. Money market funds can be taxable or tax-exempt. Each day, the
balance in the cash / margin account, which comes from the proceeds of
trades and distributions, is swept into the money market fund. See
Municipal Bond
A bond issued by state or local
government. Interest from these bonds is generally tax-free to residents
but in some cases, interest is federally taxable if subject to
Alternative Minimum Tax. Note that any capital gain realized by trading
a municipal bond is subject to capital gains tax. Because of this hybrid
tax situation, municipal bonds are normally put in taxable brokerage
accounts since there is no special account for them. See Bonds.
Mutual Fund
A company that pools money of
individual investors and purchases securities which become jointly owned
by its shareholders. The shareholders receive interest, dividends, and
capital gains (but not losses) from the ownership and sale of the fund's
securities. The fund's portfolio is managed by a professional money
manager. Open-end funds offer shares to the public continuously (except
when temporarily closed) while closed-end funds offer a limited number
of shares which then trade on an organized exchange. A no-load fund
charges no up front or back end sales fee while a load fund may charge
one or both. Virtually all mutual funds charge annual expense fees that
reduce the investment return. Mutual funds can invest in equity, debt,
cash, real estate, options, and futures. There are over 4,000 mutual
funds. Closed end funds are purchased just like stocks. Full service
brokers usually sell their own funds while discount brokers sell mostly
funds of other companies.
Mutual Fund Cash Level
Measures the average percentage
of cash held by managers of mutual funds in their funds. When levels are
over 11%, managers are holding onto a lot of cash because they are
bearish on the market. Levels below 6% means they are bullish as they
have spent all their cash; fund managers usually need to keep about 5%
cash just to meet daily redemption requirements. This indicator is
usually considered a contrary indicator, as fund managers tend to be
wrong at market extremes.
NASDAQ Composite Index
A market value weighted index
comprised of about 3,500 stocks traded on the NASDAQ exchange. Large
technology stocks have a major effect on this index value. NASDAQ
represents the top tier of the over-the-counter (OTC) market.
Net Amount
Quantity times price, plus or
minus commission.
Net Asset Value (NAV)
The per share price of a mutual
fund. For a no-load fund, NAV is the price received by both buyers and
sellers. For front loaded mutual funds, NAV is equivalent of the bid
price (what shareholders can get for selling a share), while the
offering price is the price buyers must pay per share (and includes
front load). The NAV is usually calculated at the end of each trading
day by taking the closing prices of all securities owned plus cash and
equivalents and subtracting all liabilities then dividing by the number
of shares outstanding, which for open-end funds, fluctuates depending on
daily number of redemptions and purchases. Many new funds are issued at
a NAV of $10. After a distribution, the NAV falls by the amount equal to
the distribution.
Net Income
The net income after taxes but
before payout of common and preferred dividends for the indicated fiscal
year for a given corporation.
Net Income 3-Yr Growth Rate
The unweighted average of the
growth rate for net income over the last three fiscal years for a given
No-load funds
Mutual funds that have no
initial sales charge. Beware that some no-loads have other charges and
expenses. The best measure of all fees and charges is the five year fee.
See Mutual Fund.
Non-callable Bonds
Bonds which cannot be taken
back by the issuer before maturity. Most U.S. Treasury issues are
non-callable. This is an advantage to the lender since there is no
interest rate risk. With callable bonds, there is the risk of having to
reinvest before maturity at a potentially lower interest rate.
Non-marginable Securities
Securities that may not be
purchased or sold in a margin account. All transactions involving them
must be done on a full cash basis.
Odd Lot
Purchase or sale of less than
the round lot unit of 100 shares.
Offering Price
The net asset value plus the
sales charge. Offering price is what a buyer (you) would have to pay to
buy one share of a given mutual fund. See Mutual Fund.
Out-of-State Deposit
Indicates whether an
institution will accept out of state deposits from customers.
Open Lot
Open lots are the components
that make up open investments and can be long (buy) or short (short
sell). A lot in general is a group of identical units (for securities)
or nearly identical units (for collectibles) of an investment that are
traded at the same time and price. See lot.
Open Order
Orders that have been placed
with the broker but have yet been executed or canceled.
Open Price
The price at which a given
stock opened for the current trading day. For weekend days or holidays,
this would be the opening price for the previous trading day.
Opening Commission
The commission added to the
proceeds before calculating realized gain or loss. It is the fee charged
by broker to execute your trade. May be a composite of several fees
& charges.
Opportunity Cost
The rate of return you likely
would have achieved for capital in an alternative investment from the
one you chose. If the current investment under performs the foregone
investment, then you have paid an opportunity cost greater than the
current rate of return and you made a bad choice.
A contract that gives the owner
the right, if exercised, to buy or sell a security or basket of
securities (index) at a specific price within a specific time limit.
Usually, they are traded as securities themselves, with buyers and
sellers trying to profit from price changes. They are generally
available for 1 to 9 months, with some longer term options (called
LEAPS) also available for selected securities. Stock option contracts
are generally for the right to buy or sell 100 shares of the underlying
stock (100 is the multiplier). Trading in options should only be
undertaken by sophisticated investors.
An item in the stock database
that indicates whether a given stock also has options that can be
traded. See Option.
Option Schedule
In brokerage, a list of the
options available for the underlying stock symbol you enter.
OTC Stock
A security not listed on a
major exchange.
Outstanding Bond Amount
The dollar amount of a bond
outstanding as of the latest available balance sheet of a given
The nominal or face value of a
security. A bond selling at par is worth the same dollar amount as it
was issued for, or at which it will be redeemed at maturity, usually
$1000. For common stock, par value is set by the company issuing the
stock. Par value is an assigned amount (usually $1) that is used in
computing the dollar value of the company's shares for accounting and
reporting purposes. See Bond.
Pay-Out Ratio
Pay Out Ratio = Average of the
past 3 years' dividends / Earnings Per Share
Phone Switch
Some mutual funds allow the
client to sell his or her shares and place proceeds in either a Money
Market Fund or another Fund in its family, simply by telephoning a
Pink Sheets
The daily listing of stocks,
prices, and market makers for over-the-counter (OTC) stocks too small in
capitalization to be listed in the NASDAQ system.
All taxable and tax-deferred
investment accounts and their contents (appreciating & income
producing assets). More broadly, your portfolio holds all your
Portfolio %
Indicates what portion of an
account is invested in a given security.
Precious Metals Equities
Mutual fund investing primarily
in stocks of companies who mine precious metals, such as gold, silver,
platinum, etc. The stock prices of these companies can also reflect the
rising or falling values of the precious metals that the company
Preferred Stock
Stock that pays dividends at a
stated rate and has priority over common stock in dividend payments and
asset liquidation. Preferred stock does not ordinarily carry voting
Price (52-Week High and 52-Week Low)
The highest and lowest trade
prices achieved during the past 52 weeks.
Note: Compare current price to
the 52-week high or 52-week low to get an estimate of where the stock is
trading in its year range.
Price (Trade)
Bonds. The actual trading
prices for listed bonds. For over-the-counter bonds, the bid price is
shown. Bonds are generally listed in lots of 1,000. Therefore, if Price
= 99.5 (=99.5% of $1,000) = $995, at maturity, the price = 100% of the
face value, or $1,000. Latest Price is from last trading day of the
indicated month. This view displays: Maturity; Outstanding (millions);
Latest, High, and Low Prices.
Stocks and Options. The last
trade price. Stocks that do not trade frequently display the bid price
in the Price column. Bid price is what the buyer is willing to pay for
the stock or options. Stocks also show daily highs and lows.
Indices. The last value of a
given index.
Price/Book Ratio
The latest price per share
divided by the last fiscal year book value per share, for a given
Price (Date)
The market price of an
investment, at any given time. Current price is the market price as of
the latest price update. Average price is the arithmetic average of the
price of all lots of an investment. See Cost.
Price/Earnings (P/E) Ratio
The most commonly used measure
of value for both markets and individual stocks. It indicates how many
times earnings an investor is willing to pay to own a stock or market
index, therefore it is sometimes called the multiple. Current P/E is the
current price divided by the current fiscal year's estimated earnings
per share. Past P/E is the current price divided by the actual earnings
per share for the past 12 months. 12-month High P/E is the 52-week high
price divided by the EPS for the past 12 months. 12-month Low P/E is the
52-week low price divided by the EPS for the past 12 months. Note: The
past 12 months is not necessarily past year.
Prime Rate
The base rate on corporate
loans posted by at least 75% of the nation's 30 largest banks. This is a
useful measure for current lending rates, as most banks charge a few
points above prime on mortgages and other personal loans.
The original amount or face
value of a investment, typically bonds and CDs, on which interest is
owned or earned. Interest is paid based on a percent of the principal (a
stated interest or coupon rate). At maturity, the entire principal is
returned to investor; however its purchasing value may be diminished by
Principal Transaction
A transaction in which the
brokerage firm buys or sells a security into or from its own account.
Commission is not charged for principal transactions. Instead the
transaction is marked up or down before it is entered to the customer's
The sum of net amounts of all
short open lots. Total proceeds is the sum of net proceeds of all short
open investments in a given account. Average proceeds is for short
investments what average cost is for long investments. See Average
Profit Margin %
The last fiscal year net income
divided by the last fiscal year's sales or revenues for a given
Projected 5-Year EPS Growth Rate
The estimated average annual
growth rate of fiscal year earnings per share for the next five years
for a given corporation.
Projected Yield
Projected income divided by
current value of a given account.
A formal written offer to sell
securities to prospective shareholders. It is very useful to read the
prospectus for a mutual fund before buying shares because it describes
the philosophy, past performance, and fees.
Purchase Price
The market price you receive
when you buy or sell short a security. Same as opening price.
Put Option
A put option gives the owner
the right, but not the obligation, to sell the underlying stock at a
given price (the strike price ) by a given time (the expiration date).
The owner is speculating that the option will go up in value and the
underlying stock will go down in value. The purpose can be to either
speculate with the option (hope it goes up and sell for a profit) or
trade the underlying stock at a locked in price if the stock price goes
down enough. For example, an AAA MAR 65 put would give the owner the
right to sell 100 shares of AAA at $65 (strike price) per share between
now and the third Friday in March (expiration date).
The number of shares (stocks,
mutual funds), contracts (options, futures), or the face value of
Quick Ratio
Cash and equivalents plus
receivables divided by current liabilities (i.e., debt) for a given
Regular Initial Minimum
The minimum dollar amount
required to open a regular account with a given mutual fund.
Regular Subsequent Minimum
The minimum dollar deposit
accepted for an existing regular account with a given mutual
Reinvest Distributions
In brokerage, feature where
user requests that mutual fund distributions be reinvested in more
shares, or instead paid in cash.
Rejected Order
Order which is invalid or
Reporting Date
The estimated date for the next
report of quarterly financial data for a given corporation.
Regulation T
A regulation established by the
Federal Reserve Board which covers the extension of credit to clients by
securities brokers, dealers, and members of the national exchanges. It
sets the initial margin requirement and defines eligible, ineligible,
and exempt securities.
Regulation U
A U.S. government regulation
that covers the lending of money by banks to their customers including
brokerage firms.
Return of Capital
For a long investment, when a
portion of the quantity (for a bond) or net amount (for a stock) of an
investment is returned to the buyer. Returns of capital are tax-exempt
distributions and reduce cost basis of an investment to a maximum of
zero. Below zero, any additional returns of capital are treated as
capital gains distributions and are taxable.
Return on Investment
Return on investment gives you
a return value for the life of the investment, not just a gain or loss,
or the year-to-date return.
A security granted to
shareholders of a corporation to subscribe to new shares of common stock
before it is publicly offered. It is usually transferable and may be
traded in the open market.
Return on Equity %
The current fiscal years
estimated earnings per share (EPS) divided by the book value per
Round Lot
The total sales or revenues for
the indicated year for a given security.
Sales Charge
The percent of your investment
capital that is subtracted immediately to cover sales and promotion
costs when purchasing mutual funds. For example, if you invest $10,000
in a fund with an 8% sales charge, a sales fee of $800 is subtracted and
your initial investment principal is $9,200. Also called Front Load and
Initial Load.
Sales/Price Ratio
The last fiscal year's sales or
revenues per share divided by the latest price per share for a given
Sales 3-Year Growth Rate
The unweighted average of the
growth rate for sales or revenues over the last 3 years for a given
Sector Equities
Equities purchased from
companies belonging to a specific sector within an industry, such as
airline or electronic stocks.
An investment that is
represented by a negotiable document issued by a corporation or
governmental entity for the purpose of raising capital. A listed
security is one that is approved for trading on an exchange. A delisted
security is one that is removed because of financial insufficiency or
breaking of exchange rule. Two main categories: equity (claims against
the earnings of a company by shareholders - includes stocks and mutual
funds) and debt (claims against the assets of a company or government -
includes bonds, notes, bills, and commercial paper). Some securities
have hybrid characteristics such as preferred and convertible bonds.
Securities are also classified by whether they are taxable, or
tax-exempt. Most securities can be identified by unique ID numbers
called CUSIP numbers or by symbols. Note: The term investment is more
generic than security.
A Transaction Type for the
selling of a security. A sell creates a closed lot since it is the
closing transaction for an open lot.
Send Trade
This will direct your order to
us for review. If approved, it will be immediately directed to the
appropriate exchange for execution.
Series E Bond
U.S. Government savings bond
issued from 1941 to 1979.
Series EE Bond
U.S. Government savings bond
with a 10-year maturity and face value of $50 to $10,000. It has
properties of a zero coupon bond since it is purchased at a discount to
face value.
Series HH Bond
U.S. Government savings bond
available in denominations of $500 to $10,000 in exchange for Series E
or EE bonds.
Settlement Date
Date by which an executed order
must be settled. Buyers pay for securities with cash, and sellers
deliver certificates of sold securities.
Short Account
A margin account through which
a client can sell stock which he does not own. Sale proceeds are kept in
the short account and marked to the market at the close of each business
day to determine the account's credit balance.
Short Sells
A trade where the investor
borrows a security from the broker, sells it at market price, and
receives the proceeds of the sale less commission. The short seller then
hopes that the security will go down in price so he or she can
buy-to-cover the security back and return it to the broker. However, if
the price goes up, the seller will eventually receive a margin call and
be expected to either buy at current price and take the loss or add more
cash or marginal securities to his account, and be vulnerable to a
further short squeeze. When you are long in a security, the worst you
can do is lose an amount equal to the cost of the security. When you are
short, theoretically, your risk is unlimited as a security's price can
keep rising forever.
Short Balance
Total proceeds from all short
open lots minus all net amounts paid for covered trades in a given
Short Value
The latest value of all short
investments (or short open lots) in a given account. See Short
Simplified Employee Pension Plan (SEP)
Type of pension plan into which
both employer and employee contribute. It is easier to set up than a
401(k) or KEOGH and allows greater annual contributions than an
Small Stock Index
An index measuring a basket of
small-capitalization stocks (companies whose revenues are typically
under $500 million) which are thought to be representative of changes in
the stock prices of small companies as a whole.
S&P Indices
Standard & Poor's Indices
are broad-based measures of changes in stock market conditions based on
the performance of widely held common stocks. Standard & Poor's, a
division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., provides a broad range of
investment services, including stock and bond ratings, composite
indices, a wide variety of investment advisory reports, and so
S&P 500
The basket of 500 widely held
stocks which are thought to measure changes in stock-market conditions.
The S&P 500 index is a service of Standard & Poor's corporation,
a financial advisory, securities rating, and publishing firm. The index
tracks industrial, transportation, financial and utility stocks.
S&P 500 Index
The S&P 500 index comprises
500 companies that account for 85% of the dollar value of all NYSE
stocks. It is a broader and more representative average than the DOW but
both move in tandem most of the time. The S&P 500 index does not
include dividends. It is capitalization weighted, meaning that stocks
with the highest value (number of shares outstanding multiplied by the
price per share) have the greatest affect on the index. The S&P 500
index measures (also defined in the glossary) can be used to gauge the
health or direction of the stock market. See S&P 500 200-Day Moving
Average, S&P 500 P/E Ratio, S&P 500 Yield.
S&P 500 200-Day Moving Average
This value is calculated by
averaging all the closing values of the S&P 500 for the last 200
days. You can use this and the following measures to create market
timing alerts.
S&P 500 Price/Earnings (P/E) Ratio
The latest S&P 500 value
divided by the last 4 quarters earnings per share. Reading above 24 and
below 8 are considered sell and buy signals respectively by many
S&P 500 Yield
The sum of dividends of all
stocks in the S&P 500, divided by the latest value of the S&P
500. Reading below 3 and above 6 are considered sell and buy signals
S&P 100 Index
A subset of the 500 index.
Options based on this index (OEX) are very popular.
S&P Mid Cap 400
An index comprised of 400
mid-sized corporations.
S&P Rank
The computerized ranking system
for stocks based on the last 10 years of dividend and earnings data of
each company listed: A+ = Highest; C = Lowest; D = Company undergoing
reorganization; LIQ = Company in liquidation, NR = No ranking due to
insufficient data.
Special Subscription
A form of margin transaction in
which a client can obtain advantageous credit to acquire a margin
security through the exercise of a right or warrant.
Start Year
The year a given mutual fund
began operation.
Ownership claims on a
corporation's earnings and assets. See Common Stock, Preferred
Stock Power
Power of attorney form by which
ownership of a security can be transferred from the registered owner to
another party.
Stock Split
A change in the number of
shares outstanding (in circulation). The number of shares are adjusted
by the split ratio, e.g. 2 to 1. In this case, 1000 shares splits to
2000 but the opening price and current price are cut in half. The
overall effect is to maintain the same cost and current value of an
investment while increasing the number of shares and lowering the per
share price. Reverse splits reduce the number of shares. Splits are done
to reduce the cost per share to make it easier for small investors to
own the stock in round lots.
Stop Order
An order to sell if and when
the market price falls to a specified price. A stop order becomes a
market order when the stop price is hit and the order will be executed
at any market price at, above or below stop price. A variation of this,
the stop-limit order, will only be executed at the limit price. If the
market falls quickly: a stop order might be executed at a price much
lower than the stop price and a stop-limit order might not get executed
at all. Some investors prefer to set Mental Stops. When a stop order is
executed an investor is said to be Stopped Out.
Strike Price
The official trading symbol
used in actual transactions for stocks, options, mutual funds, or
indices. A symbol uses letters, numbers, or a combination of the two. If
the symbol contains any numbers, it means that it is a mutual fund that
has not been assigned an actual trading symbol by NASDAQ and there is no
quote service on that fund.
For any stock traded on the
NYSE, AMEX, or OTC, the symbol is the official trading symbol used in
actual transactions. Preferred stock has a dash followed by the
preferred stock class. For example, Company B Class A is displayed as
Indices have their own symbols,
which are shown in the Add Index screen.
T-Bills, the common name for a
U.S. Treasury bill, are short-term (with a maturity of up to a year)
discounted government securities sold through competitive bidding at
weekly and monthly auctions in denominations from $10,000 to $1 million.
They can also be purchased by individuals directly from a Federal
Reserve Bank in denominations of under $500,000.
Applies to an investment whose
accumulated earnings are free from taxation until the investor takes
possession of them. Usually, you cannot take possession of these
investments without penalty until you are 59-1/2 years old. Tax-deferred
investments are allowed by the IRS to save for retirement. See Real
Tax-Deferred Accounts.
Tax-Exempt Security
An investment (generally a debt
instrument, i.e., bond) whose interest is exempt from taxation by
federal, state, and/or local authorities. Freequently called municipal
bonds or munis, whether they were issued by a state government or
agency, or by any local political district or subdivision. Tax-exempt
securities are best applied to Taxable Accounts as the yield is not
competitive enough to be used in tax-deferred accounts. Tax-exempt can
be taxable under certain circumstances. See Real Taxable Accounts and
Municipal Bonds.
Tax Method
IRS defined system for
determining which Open Lots to sell or buy-to-cover when all lots of an
investment are not sold or covered at one time. FIFO means selling or
covering the lots in the same order by date as they were bought or
shorted. Specific Lot means selling or covering specific lots that have
been pre-selected before the trade is actually executed. Average Cost
means using the average cost of all shares as the cost basis without the
need to specify which lot is actually being traded.
Technical Short Value
The market value of a security
which the client has sold but has not yet delivered to the
10 Year Cum. Return
See Cumulative Return (1-Yr,
3-Yr, 5-Yr, 10-Yr).
To/From Date
Date to which the call may
occur at the stated price for a given callable bond or the data from
which the call will be in effect at the stated price. See Bond.
Total Assets
Total assets owned by a given
mutual fund including cash and equivalents. As funds get very large,
their performance may suffer.
Total Cost
The sum of cost of all long
open investments in a given account.
Total Liabilities
The sum of your Short Market
Value plus your Debit Balances from the prior trading day.
Total Return
Price appreciation plus
interest, dividends, and capital gain distributions for a given
investment or account during a given period. Year-to-date return is for
a partial year. Also useful is last quarter, last four quarters, and one
month total return, which cover the indicated time periods. Total return
is the best way to measure the performance of similar or different
Transaction that adds (buy or
short sell) or removes a lot (sell or buy-to-cover) to or from open
investments. Trade date is the date on which the trade occurs.
Settlement date is the date by which the account must be debit or
credited for results of the trade and it is normally three business days
after trade date.
Debt securities of the U.S.
government, issued at various schedules and maturities, and secured by
its full faith and credit.
The percentage of all
securities owned by a given mutual fund which were sold in the last
year. For example, a turnover of 200% means that the entire portfolio of
the fund turned over twice completely in the last year.
12b-1 Fee
An annual fee, expressed as a
percentage of NAV, specifically designated for marketing expenses for a
given mutual fund. This fee is included in the expense ratio.
12 Mth Cum. Return
See Cumulative Return (1-Yr,
3-Yr, 5-Yr, 10-Yr).
Uncovered Options
Selling a call option to open
in which the seller does not own the underlying security position. Also
called naked options.
Underlying Security
The security that must be
delivered when another security is exercised. For example, if a call
option is exercised, then the underlying stock is delivered to the call
owner. Warrants, rights, options, and convertible securities all have
underlying securities. For futures options, futures are the underlying
Undervalued Security
When a security's price is
below what a market analyst calculates based on fundamentals such as
earnings potential, cash flow, and hidden assets. These securities are
prized by value investors. These companies may become takeover
Undistributed Earnings
The same as retained earnings.
It is earnings that are not paid as dividends, but reinvested in the
Unissued Stock
Stock authorized in a company's
charter but for some reason, not issued and not outstanding. Contrast
with treasury stock, which has been issued and then repurchased and is
therefore not outstanding.
Smallest tradable component of
an asset: share for stocks and mutual funds, $1000 quantity for most
bonds, and contract for options and futures.
Unit Investment Trust
A package of investments,
usually bonds, sold to investors as a unit which is a fractional
ownership of the total package. Unlike a mutual fund, the investments in
a unit do not change and are not replaced if they mature or are called.
Usually sold by brokers.
Unlisted Security
A stock or bond not listed on
an exchange (usually New York or American) which trade in the
over-the-counter market.
Unpaid Dividend
A dividend that has been
declared by a corporation but not yet paid. It is carried as a liability
until the payment date.
Unsecured Debt
A bond issued by a corporation
which is not backed by specific collateral. Same as debenture. It is
backed instead by the general credit or promise to pay by the
U.S. Gov't Issues
Debt issued by the U.S.
Treasury or other government agencies (Ginnie Mae, Fannie Mae, Freddie
Mac, etc.). U.S. Treasury issues include T-Bills (1 yr and less),
T-Notes ( 1-10 yrs), and T-Bonds (10 -30 yrs). They are generally not
callable and not subject to state and local taxes, and are considered
the safest bonds available as they are backed by the full faith and
credit of the U.S. government. The other agencies issue mostly pass-
through mortgage bonds that pay interest and return of principal and are
indirectly backed by the Treasury.
U.S. Savings Bond
These bonds (series EE) are
zero coupon-like bonds sold by the U.S. government at 50% of face value
that can be redeemed for face value after 5 years.
Valueline Composite Index
An equally weighted index of
1700 stocks on NYSE, AMEX, and OTC exchanges. A broad-based index that
is less volatile than the more popular DJIA.
Variable Annuity
A life insurance product whose
value fluctuates and is tied to the performance of a market index or a
portfolio of securities. Often has a tax-deferred feature and works like
a mutual fund in most cases. Your premium payments buy more
Variable Interest Rate
Interest rate that is adjusted
as market rates change. Can be found in adjustable rate mortgages,
bonds, and certificates of deposit.
Veribanc Rating
See Rating for CDs and Money
The entitlement to full pension
plan benefits. Normally expressed as the number of months and years of
employment required to be vested.
The measure of the tendency of
prices to fluctuate widely. Prices of small companies tend to be more
volatile than those of large corporations. Beta is a measure of
volatility. See beta.
The number of shares of stock
or options that have traded as of the opening of a given trading day.
Volume is the consolidated volume, that is to say, it includes shares
traded on all exchanges.
For example, Apple Computer
stock trades on both the over-the-counter (OTC) NASDAQ Exchange and the
Pacific Exchange. For an Apple quote, volume would include shares as of
the opening of both these exchanges.
Voting Right
Most common stock entitles a
shareholder to the right to vote in person, or by proxy, on corporate
elections and other related matters. Some companies issue both voting
and non-voting shares, for example, Class A and Class B.
Similar to long term options,
they give the holder the right to convert the warrant at a set price,
into a set number of shares of the associated stock. They are often
issued as bonuses along with newly issued common stock or bonds, and in
combination these are called units. When sold ex-warrant, it is too late
to get the warrant that was attached to the stock.
Wash Sale
When an investor buys
substantially identical securities as those he sold within the last or
next 30 days, the sale of these securities can not be used as a realized
loss for income tax purposes. For example, you sell your 100 AAA shares
on October 1 for a loss of $1000. Then you buy 100 new shares of AAA on
October 10. You sell these new shares on December 12 for a $2000
realized gain. On your tax return, you must show a net realized gain of
$2000. The wash sale ($1000 loss) is disallowed as an offset against the
gain for income tax purposes.
When Issued
A symbol next to the price in a
newspaper stock or bond listing which indicates that the price shown is
for a security that has been authorized but is not yet trading.
Freequently used to show after split price before a split has
A volatile market that can
punish a trader who buys just before prices fall and then sells first
before prices recover.
An investor who sells short put
or call options, hoping to retain the income derived from the short
sale. A covered writer owns the underlying stock and is hedged. See call
and put option.
X or XD
Symbol used in newspapers to
indicate that a stock is trading without a dividend. The symbol X also
signifies without interest in bond tables. In most cases, it is wise to
find out when a dividend paying stock will trade ex-dividend. By buying
when the stock is ex-dividend, you avoid the tax liability on the just
distributed dividend. Note that after a dividend is paid, the stock's
price falls by the amount of the dividend paid, plus or minus any market
adjustment. The same principle holds for mutual funds paying
distributions. Buy shares after distributions are made. Stock mutual
funds usually make distributions in December or January.
Year-End Values
The market value of an account
at any given year end. Used to quickly gauge year-to-year
Year to Date (YTD)
Total return for a partial
year. See Total Return.
Year Issued
The year a particular bond
series was issued.
Yellow Sheets
A daily listing of bonds,
prices, and market makers for corporate bonds not listed on major
For a stock, the current yield
is the annual dividend divided by the current price per share. For a
mutual fund, the 4 qtr yield is the total dividends paid during the last
four quarters divided by the NAV at the end of the last quarter. For a
bond, the annual interest payment divided by [quantity x current price
divided by 100]. For a CD, the annual interest payment divided by the
face amount of the CD is the yield. It is a measure in percentage terms
of how much income you can derive from the security. Of great importance
to fixed income investors and of minimal importance to growth investors.
See Yield to Maturity.
Yield Curve
Graph that shows a series of
current interest rates, most often of U.S. Treasury issues from 3 months
to 30 years maturity. A snap shot of the interest rate structure of the
economy and sometimes a predictor of economic trends. Normally, the
yield curve is moderately positive meaning that investors want higher
rates the longer the maturity to offset the risk of holding the bond to
maturity while rates go up for newly issued bonds. A negative curve
occurs when investors fear that in the short term, rates will be high
and money will remain "tight" near-term. When a negative curve starts to
flatten, a powerful stock and bond rally usually ensues. A steep curve
occurs when investors don't fear inflation in the near-term but are
concerned about the long term. A sudden flattening of a steep curve in
which the short end rises can be a harmful sign for the stock and bond
Yield Spread
Difference in yield between
various bonds of equivalent time to maturity. Since time to maturity is
the same, the major distinguishing variable is quality. For example, a
5-year U.S. Treasury note will have a lower current yield than a
comparable 5-year corporate bond. Also called quality spread.
Yield to Call
Yield on a bond which will be
called by the issuer at the first call date. Important for corporate
Yield to Maturity
Takes into account the annual
dividend, current price, redemption price, and time remaining to
maturity. In effect, it is the annual total return for a bond. See
Zero Coupon Bonds
Bonds that do not pay interest
but which are instead sold at a substantial discount to par so at
maturity they return the face amount. These bonds tend to be more
volatile than regular bonds so they are best held to maturity by most
investors. They are also called CATS or strips. The longer to maturity,
the lower the purchase price and the greater the leverage and
sensitivity to interest rates. U.S. Savings Bonds (series EE) are zero
bonds sold at 50% of face value that are redeemed for face value at