Open Account
3 Easy Ways to Apply a New Account
Open a New AccountOpening an account with PCITrade is quick and easy. There is no minimum deposit required to open a cash account with PCITrade. All we require is a completed New Account Application and the initial amount to cover your first trade deposited in your cash account. Margin accounts require a minimum equity of $2000 in the form of either; a check, negotiable securities, completed account transfer form or wire transferred federal funds. We accept individual, joint, and custodial accounts as well as corporate, partnership, sole proprietorship, trust, estate, and retirement accounts ( i.e. IRA, Roth IRA, Education IRA, Rollover IRA, Profit Sharing and Money Purchase Plans, etc.) Mailing AddressPCITrade Securities, Inc. (Customer Service
Department) Depositing ChecksAll checks should be made payable to our clearing firm, Penson Financial Services Inc. Checks must be in US funds and drawn from a US bank. Please include your social security number, or your PCITrade account number (if you already have an established account with us) on the memo line of your check. For more information please read our Funding. Note: Third party and double-endorsed checks are not acceptable. Depositing SecuritiesBefore mailing
any securities, write Penson Financial Services, Inc. on the blank space
between “Appoint” and “Attorney” on the back of each certificate. Your
securities will then be non-negotiable by anyone other than Penson Financial
Service, Inc. Properly sign on the back of each certificate,
exactly as your name(s) appears on the front of the certificate. If you
have an established account with PCITrade, please include your account
number on the front of each certificate. Please send all certificates via
registered mail. Transferring Accounts to PCITradeIf you are transferring an account from another brokerage firm or mutual fund company, simply request an Account Transfer Form. The transfer form must be completed and returned to PCI, along with a copy of your most current monthly statement. If you have the Adobe Acrobat Reader, you can select and print this form from our Forms and Support page. Otherwise, you may request an Account Transfer Form by clicking here. The transfer normally takes two to three weeks to complete from the time we receive your completed transfer form. Additional FormsIf you need additional forms, request them online, or call us at (510) 870-0593. If you have the Adobe Acrobat Reader, click here; you can select and print the forms you need directly from our Forms and Support page. Account Types and Required DocumentsForeign Account PCITrade accepts account applications from non-resident aliens. To complete the application, you must print, sign, and mail our Account Agreement and Online Service Agreement and the initial deposit to cover your first trade. In addition, you will be required to fill out Form W-8BEN and send us a copy of your passport (documenting foreign status). You may print our forms directly from our Form and Support (You must have the Adobe Acrobat Reader to access the online forms page). or request a foreign account package by e-mailing us at: customerservice@pcitrade.com. You may choose Send Me Forms or Contact Us during our regular business for mailing a new account package to you. Payment for any trade will be accepted in US funds only. We require cleared funds to reside in your PCITrade account prior to placing any trades. Required Document:
Individual Accounts Individual Accounts can be registered under one name only. The account form must include a Social Security Number and you must sign the required documents. If you are a non-US resident, you must fill out a W-8 form. Individual accounts can have margin trading capabilities. Required Document:
Joint Tenants (WROS) With a Joint Tenants With Rights of Survivorship account, in the event of the death of one of the tenants, the surviving tenant is given possession of the entire account.
Required Document:
Custodial Accounts Custodial Accounts must be filled out in the name of the minor and the minor’s Social Security Number is used for the account.
Required Document:
Tenants in Common This is a joint account for two people. In the event of the death of one of the tenants, the deceased person’s portion of the account reverts to his/her estate. The surviving tenant receives his/her portion of the account. Required Document:
Corporate Account Accounts must be filled out in the name of the corporation. Please include the corporate resolution form (with a raised seal) or a notarized copy.
Last Update: 06/18/2007 |